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Alford, Hinson, Miller, Kiggans Lead Republican Conference in Letter Urging House Leadership to Prioritize Farm Bill This Year

140 House Republicans Urge Speaker Johnson to Consider the Farm Bill a “Must-Pass” Item

WASHINGTON – Today, as first reported by Punchbowl News, U.S. Congressman Mark Alford (MO-04), Ashley Hinson (IA-02), Mary Miller (IL-15), and Jen Kiggans (VA-02) led a majority of the House Republican Conference in a letter to House GOP Leadership reaffirming their commitment to advancing a farm bill that meets the needs of production agriculture and rural America.

The letter, which was signed by 140 Members, emphasized the importance of the Farm Bill and noted that farmers, ranchers, and producers are still living under outdated policies from the 2018 Farm Bill.

“Farmes and ranchers do not have the luxury of waiting until next Congress for the enactment of an effective farm bill,” said the Members. “Inflation has driven production costs to the highest on record. Meanwhile, commodity prices across the board have fallen precipitously, creating a severe margin squeeze on farm and ranch families ... Farm debt, $540 billion, is the highest ever, both nominally and wen adjusted for inflation. These factors show no signs of abating for all major commodities.”

“The 118th Congress has an opportunity to do right by producers, other agriculture stakeholders, rural communities, and taxpayers by putting more ‘farm’ back in the farm bill and by making responsible reforms and investments across all 12 titles, and the bipartisan H.R. 8467—The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, which was advanced by the House Committee on Agriculture on May 24th of this year, does just that,” the Members continued.

The Members highlighted the negative impacts of failing to act, noting that the consequences will extend beyond the farm gate — hitting Main Street businesses, rural communities, and the national economy. 

“We respectfully urge that the enactment of H.R. 8467, or similar legislation that makes meaningful investments in farmers, ranchers, and rural communities, is among the top priorities of the Republican Conference and that this be considered a ‘must-pass’ item in the lame duck session of the 118th Congress,” the Members concluded.

“We are honored to stand alongside 139 of my colleagues to lead a letter that shows House leadership that Republicans are committed to passing a Farm Bill that supports our nation’s constituents, farmers, ranchers, and rural communities,” said Congressman Alford. “We passed H.R. 8467 out of committee, and now it is time to give it to America. The stakes are high; production costs are up, and farm income is declining. We don’t need an extension, and we don’t need this next year–we need this Farm Bill now. Our producers are worthy of certainty and support for their tireless work in feeding, fueling, and clothing the world.”

“I led 139 of my colleagues – the majority of the House Republican Conference – in calling for Republican House leadership to bring the Farm Bill up for a vote as soon as possible. This bill passed out of committee with bipartisan support, and I believe would receive bipartisan support on the House Floor from Members who understand that food security is national security. Our farmers don’t have time for games, they need Congress to do the work and come through for them, just like they come through for us each day. I will continue advocating for passage of a strong Farm Bill to ensure Iowa farmers can continue feeding and fueling the world,” said Congresswoman Hinson.

Click here to read text of the letter.

In addition to Representatives Alford, Hinson, Miller, and Kiggans, the letter was signed by U.S. Representatives Robert Aderholt, Rick Allen, Mark Amodei, Kelly Armstrong, Jodey Arrington, Brian Babin, Don Bacon, James Baird, Troy Balderson, Jim Banks, Andy Barr, Cliff Bentz, Jack Bergman, Stephanie Bice, Gus Bilirakis, Dan Bishop, Lauren Boebert, Mike Bost, Larry Bucshon, Ken Calvert, Kat Cammack, Mike Carey, Jerry Carl, Earl Carter, John Carter, Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Juan Ciscomani, Ben Cline, Tom Cole, Mike Collins, James Comer, Eric Crawford, Dan Crenshaw, Monica De la Cruz, Scott DesJarlais, John Duarte, Neal Dunn, Chuck Edwards, Jake Ellzey, Ron Estes, Mike Ezell, Pat Fallon, Randy Feenstra, A. Ferguson, Brad Finstad, Michelle Fischbach, Scott Fitzgerald, Charles Fleischmann, Mike Flood, Vince Fong, Scott Franklin, Carlos Gimenez, Tony Gonzales, Lance Gooden, Kay Granger, Garret Graves, Sam Graves, Michael Guest, Clay Higgins, J. Hill, Erin Houchin, Bill Huizenga, Ronny Jackson, Dusty Johnson, David Joyce, John Joyce, Mike Kelly, Trent Kelly, Young Kim, David Kustoff, Darin LaHood, Nick LaLota, Doug LaMalfa, Doug Lamborn, Nicholas Langworthy, Robert Latta, Jake LaTurner, Michael Lawler, Julia Letlow, Greg Lopez, Barry Loudermilk, Frank Lucas, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Morgan Luttrell, Nicole Malliotakis, Tracey Mann, Michael McCaul, Richard McCormick, Daniel Meuser, Carol Miller, Max Miller, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Marcus Molinaro, John Moolenaar, Barry Moore, Nathaniel Moran, James Moylan, Gregory Murphy, Dan Newhouse, Zachary Nunn, Greg Pence, August Pfluger, Harold Rogers, Mike Rogers, John Rose, David Rouzer, Michael Rulli, John Rutherford, Maria Salazar, Austin Scott, Keith Self, Pete Sessions, Michael Simpson, Adrian Smith, Lloyd Smucker, Pete Stauber, Bryan Steil, Dale Strong, Claudia Tenney, Glenn Thompson, Michael Turner, David Valadao, Jefferson Van Drew, Derrick Van Orden, Ann Wagner, Tim Walberg, Michael Waltz, Randy Weber, Brad Wenstrup, Bruce Westerman, Brandon Williams, Joe Wilson, Robert Wittman, Steve Womack, Rudy Yakym, and Ryan Zinke.


The Farm Bill is omnibus legislation that establishes policies affecting all sectors of the agriculture industry for a five-year period. The most recent legislation, which was passed in 2018 and extended in 2023, expires this year.

On May 24, 2024, the House Agriculture Committee passed the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 to reauthorize the Farm Bill. The legislation supports producers and puts more “farm” back in the farm bill and makes responsible reforms and investments across all 12 titles.