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Congressman Alford and Congresswoman Craig Introduce Bipartisan Biomanufacturing and Jobs Act

Washington, DC – Recently, Congressman Alford (MO-04) and Congresswoman Angie Craig (MN-02) introduced the Biomanufacturing and Jobs Act. This legislation will strengthen the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) BioPreferred Program. This program increases market access for bio-based products and ensures America maintains its status as the world’s leader in biomanufacturing.

This legislation is a House companion to a Senate bill recently introduced by Senators Klobuchar, Ernst, Stabenow, and Ricketts.

Congressman Alford issued the following statement:

“USDA’s BioPreferred program is essential to almost every industry around the world. Right now, our farmers and ranchers are providing the agriculture feedstocks to produce biobased products of all kinds. They do this using the BioPreferred program. We must protect and strengthen producer’s access to these necessary markets. This legislation does just that. I am proud to work with Congresswoman Craig on this vital project.”

Congresswoman Craig added: 

“Expanding our supply of bio-based products benefits our economy, our environment and Minnesota family farmers. Our bipartisan bill will strengthen and stabilize markets for family farmers and promote good-paying manufacturing jobs in our state – that’s why I’m working with Rep. Alford to get this passed.”

 Matt Wright, President of Missouri Soybean Association said: 

“The BioPreferred Program significantly strengthens and shapes the agricultural industry by creating new markets for commodities through the purchase and use of biobased products. The Missouri Soybean Association thanks Congressman Alford for his initiative in providing a solution to a problem that can be addressed now through the use of sustainable products.”  

 John Bode, President and CEO of the Corn Refiners Association said:

“The corn refining industry applauds Representatives Alford and Craig for their leadership in introducing the Biomanufacturing and Jobs Act. Agriculture is foundational to the U.S. economy, with more than twice as many Americans manufacturing agricultural products as those manufacturing automobiles. The agriculture industry reaches far beyond the farm gate, supporting over 46 million jobs, supply chain resiliency, rural economies, and innovation. Representatives Alford and Craig’s commitment to investing in the American ag bioeconomy through the enhancement of USDA’s BioPreferred Program, and support for an increase in high-quality jobs in rural communities, is how we will expand on this growth and propel our nation to the forefront of biomanufacturing.”

Jessica Bowman, Executive Director of the Plant Based Products Council stated:

“PBPC is grateful to Representatives Alford and Craig for introducing the Biomanufacturing and Jobs Act. This legislation represents a giant leap forward for USDA’s BioPreferred program and the plant-based products industry. The creation of a more circular bioeconomy through greater adoption of renewable, plant-based material is the mission of PBPC, and we’re thankful to have partners like Representatives Alford and Craig in Congress. Together, we can ensure the U.S. remains competitive globally by focusing more of our efforts on the bioeconomy.”

Robin Bowen, Ag Bioeconomy Coalition added:

“The Ag Bioeconomy Coalition applauds Representatives Alford and Craig for defining the Farm Bill pathway toward enhancement of USDA’s BioPreferred program with the introduction of the Biomanufacturing and Jobs Act. A revitalized BioPreferred program will help advance ag-based manufacturing in rural communities and expand market opportunities for farmers. USDA is an essential partner alongside our country’s farmers, innovators, and entrepreneurs in growing the U.S. biobased products industry. We are excited to work with Representatives Alford and Craig to make the U.S. ag bioeconomy the most advanced in the world.”

Christopher Schilling, Geno Founder and CEO had the following to say:

“The U.S. has the technology and the talent to lead the world in biomanufacturing and I’m delighted to see the introduction of the Biomanufacturing and Jobs Act to ensure that our federal government prioritizes biobased products as part of federal purchasing. More American jobs, more sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels and more choices for consumers will result from this bipartisan effort and we applaud Representatives Craig and Alford for their leadership in helping farmers and innovators thrive, right here in the heartland.”

Media inquiries for Rep. Alford should be directed to Austin Higginbotham at