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Congressman Alford to File Amendments to Defund DEI and Extremism Working Groups in DoD

As first reported by Roll Call, tomorrow, Congressmen Mark Alford (MO-04) will be filing amendments during the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) markup to do the following:

  • Prohibit federal funds for the Deputy Inspector General for diversity and inclusion and extremism in the military;
  • Require the Department of Defense to issue a report outlining the total resources and manhours being used for diversity and inclusion in the military; and
  • Prevent federal funds from being used for the Department of Defense’s countering “extremism in the military” working group.

Congressman Alford issued the following statement:

“These amendments are critical to eliminating the wokeness in our military and the unnecessary extremism working group. We should not be wasting manhours and taxpayer dollars on programs that do nothing to benefit our military but rather hamper recruitment and retention efforts.”