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Congressmen Mark Alford and Tracey Mann Lead Atrazine Letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan

 As first reported by Agri-Pulse, earlier today, Congressmen Mark Alford (MO-04) and Tracey Mann (KS-01) led over three dozen of their Republican colleagues in a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The letter raised concerns regarding the scope of a scientific advisory panel (SAP) that is examining issues related to atrazine herbicide. Specifically, it asked the EPA to:

(1) hold the atrazine FIFRA SAP meeting in person; 

(2) broaden the scope of the atrazine FIFRA SAP to include newer studies, some of which were completed at EPA’s request and;

(3) consider geographically diverse candidates and candidates with experiences in agriculture, agronomy, and agricultural sciences.

The letter was co-signed by the following Representatives (36).

  • Ashley Hinson (IA-02)
  • Jason Smith (MO-08)
  • Sam Graves (MO-06)
  • Elise Stefanik (NY-21)
  • Brad Finstad (MN-01)
  • Bill Posey (FL-08)
  • John Rose (TN-06)
  • Trent Kelly (MS-01)
  • Julia Letlow (LA-05)
  • Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01)
  • Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-05)
  • Mary Miller (IL-15)
  • John Duarte (CA-13)
  • Mike Boat (IL-12)
  • Bruce Westerman (AR-04)
  • Jake LaTurner (KS-02)
  • Brett Guthrie (KY-02)
  • Adrian Smith (NE-03)
  • Dusty Johnson (SD-At Large)
  • Glenn Grothman (WI-06)
  • Pete Stauber (MN-08)
  • Mike Carey (OH-15)
  • Mike Flood (NE-01)
  • Randy Feenstra (IA-04)
  • Ron Estes (KS-04)
  • Claudia Tenney (NY-24)
  • Barry Moore (AL-02)
  • James Baird (IN-04)
  • Zach Nunn (IA-03)
  • Derrick Van Orden (WI-03)
  • Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09)
  • Rick Crawford (AR-01)
  • Michael Guest (MS-03)
  • Ronny Jackson (TX-13)
  • Kelly Armstrong (ND-At Large)
  • Frank Lucas (OK-03)

Congressman Mark Alford issued the following statement: 

“It’s vital that American farmers and ranchers have reliable access to critical crop protection tools like atrazine. The EPA’s recent Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) announcement to request nominations is a step in the right direction, but the scope of the SAP must represent the full range of science available on atrazine. Our producers deserve transparency in the EPA’s decision-making process and the integrity of a science-drive process must be protected. 

 I’m proud to lead this effort alongside Congressman Mann, and I look forward to this administration’s response.”